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History Made : Nug at Outside Lands, the Wrap Up

Nug’s been getting around on the events circuit lately, and Outside Lands was one for the books. Literally, the history books, as the event was the first major US festival to ever sell weed legally

Hosted just 2 days after receiving approval from the San Francisco Office of Cannabis, Outside Lands made Golden Gate Park feel like home for the cannabis community. From August 9th – 11th, the appropriately named ‘grass lands’ area of the event was packed with guests over 21, purchasing and consuming marijuana.

The established arts & music festival turned pioneer with the goal of gathering those who use marijuana, and offer the option to buy on site, too. Not only that, but to also ‘educate people on how it can be a part of their daily lives.’

Our very own Marketing Director Jason Guillory, spoke with Rolling Stone at the event and further explained “Our mission is to normalize the industry, so having an activation at a major US festival, and the first of its kind to allow cannabis sales and consumption — is an enormous breakthrough,”.

Not to mention, Outside Lands was a collaborative celebration of legalization in the State. From matcha chocolate bars, to forbidden fruit pre-rolls, Nug had a blast dishing out some of our favorites to event attendees. Taken to the consumption area, where guests could get down without passing on a contact buzz to those not partaking.